Super Advisor

CATEGORY: Strategy, KV,  Branding
YEAR: 2019
CLIENT: Super Advisor
STRATEGY: T︎︎︎ Mongatine
DESIGNER: Austin ︎︎︎ Dream

Super Advisor is a butler service education company that helps foreign students solve overseas life, medical care, law, security, study, work practice and so on. Value point: the returned students from British famous university + super advisor = the super advisor graduated from a famous university. All to Unique, Unique to All. We use sidewalks as brand symbols throughout brand identity. Double Logo to distinguish between normal and VIP customer groups. Rabbit as a brand IP is used in various [media], and at the same time with the symbol of [media], it strengthens the brand memory. The three services of life, study and job correspond to rabbits wearing police caps, baseball caps and gift hats, and specify their Emoji gestures. 25 golden Emoji gestures can be extended to all aspects of brand design as part of brand IP.


Super Advisor是一家帮助留学生解决海外生活、医疗、法律、安全、学习、工作实习等问题的管家服务式的教育公司。价值点:英国名校归国留学生 + 超级导师 = 名校海龟超级导师。All to Unique, Unique to All。我们将人行道作为品牌符号贯穿在品牌识别之中。双Logo以区分出普通与VIP两个客户群。兔子作为品牌IP应用于各个[媒介],且与[媒介]符号的同时出现强化了品牌记忆度。安全、学习、工作三个服务内容对应戴着警帽、棒球帽、礼帽的兔子,并规定其Emoji手势。25种金色Emoji手势作为品牌IP的一部分能延伸于品牌设计的各个方面。